On this day, April 9, sixty-nine years ago, the German forces began their invasion of the neutral country, Norway. After a two month struggle even with the assistance of the British and French military, Norway had no choice but to surrender, leaving the Norwegian governmental authorities in exile. Over the following five years until liberation, the Norwegian people struggled through amazing hardship under German control. To this day there are many who remember the difficulties during the Nazi occupation, and several museums exist to preserve the remembrance of Norway’s role in World War II, which included valiant resistance by the Norwegian people during this war time.
Some World War II museums that you may choose to visit:
Bergen – Theta Museum of Resistance on Bryggen
Svolvaer – Lofoten – World War II Memorial Museum
Oslo – Norway’s Resistance Museum
Narvik – Red Cross World War II Museum
Today, we remember the brave Norwegians who fought so hard for their country in World War II.
John and Don
Portions of our information have been obtained on the web at www.norway.org/history. Please feel free to visit the site for further information.